Technology/Social Media

Technology References:

Primary Social Networking Platform Used:
  1. Code: 9C7BN-ZB3BV
Secondary Social Networking Platforms/Web 2.0 Tools Used:
  1. Facebook
    1. Give parents a place to ask questions about the unit.
    2. Facebook offers a PLN connection aspect.
    3. Very prominent among parents and some students.
    4. Students will be expected to check this page regularly to find new discussion topics and calendar reminders. 
    1. Give students a place to digitally demonstrate their understanding of each trait. 
    2. Kidblog offers a digital word processing format where the teacher can comment back to the student directly and timely. 
    3. Blogging gives students a different way to express themselves as well as gives teachers a place to comment timely back to the student. 
    4. Students will be expected to blog regularly about their understanding of the 6+1 Traits of Writing. 
  3. Popplet
    1. Give students a digital brainstorming tool to complete the ideas section of the modules. 
    2. Popplet offers a digital "bulletin board" for students to place ideas onto for prewriting. 
    3. Popplet offers an easy user friendly atmosphere for even young students to use for preplanning. 
    4. Students will use Popplet to complete the preplanning/ideas section of the modules. 
  4. Scratch
    1. Give students a digital story-telling application that is user friendly. 
    2. Scratch offers students a "storyboard" element for which they can create interactive videos for the "presentation" module. 
    3. Students are familiar with using Scratch in previous web assignments. 
    4. Students will be expected to create a "Scratch video" that will demonstrate their knowledge of the presentation module. 
  5. Google + Learning Community
  6. PowToon
  7. Garageband
  8. QR-Codes/Aurasma
  9. Google Forms
  10. Flubaroo via Google Forms
  11. eduCanon
  12. Docstoc
  13. SlideShare
  14. Photobooth
  15. iMovie

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